Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Time Together

I love Christmas. 
 I think it is a combination of being together, mixed with 
anticipation, and everyone just seems happier and nicer
 to each other.  Maybe it's because we all take time to 
remember what's really important. Whatever the reason, 
it's my favorite time of the year.
This year was so much fun.  Judd was old enough that he got
 excited about things. He always wanted to hold the 
 "Ho Ho with deer horns" (better known as Santa in his sleigh with
 a reindeer.) He loved getting our Christmas tree.  
It was a great adventure.

After we got our tree, Judd kept saying "Chop it down!"
He was sure that every 'pine cone' (evergreen tree)
 needed to come to our house.  

He also got his very own "scoop."
I don't know who was more excited for 
Christmas morning, me or Scott.
Judd loves 'diles' (crocodiles) and 'soars' (dinosaurs).
We watch Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaur several times 

a day because not only does it have dinosaurs but it has 
one that looks like a crocodile. We have been working on
 brushing our teeth (he pretty much hates it) but apparently
 must think it is important enough to inflict on 
his Momma and baby 'dile'. 

I'm pretty impressed with Judd's throwing skills.  In the 
mornings he calls for me to get him out of bed.  In the
 meantime, he entertains himself by throwing all of his stuffed
 animals out of the crib.   He is getting surprisingly accurate
 at "making a basket" in the recliner. 

Judd is starting to instill some fear in the dogs,
 mostly Foxy. He thinks it is great fun to chase them 
around the house.  I think if I were the size of a
 basketball, I would run from him too.
He does have a soft, quiet side to him too.
It's just not as readily apparent.  I wish this picture was
 brighter but he was sharing his bottle with the stuffed lion.
(Which is saying something, because he takes his bottle
 and binky very seriously. It's about time for him to say 
goodbye to his bottle and binky but I just haven't had
 the heart to take them away,)

He is supposed to only have them when he is napping
 or at bedtime but I think some days we don't make
 as much progress as we should... :/

We also found some snow boots at the thrift store
that he thinks are pretty much the best thing.
He calls them his "awesome boots."  Literally.
He wants to know know why he can't wear his
"awesome" ones to church....

His obsession with hats continues. 
My elliptical that is in the living room so it 
can be "conveniently used",  is now
 used as his hat rack. I would have taken a picture but then 
you would see how much dust was on it and you would know 
that I don't use it as much (or ever) 
as I should and that I dust even less....

He loves 'naculars', (binoculars)

and gloves,  

and playing with things he isn't suppose to....

We wouldn't trade him for the world.....

1 comment:

  1. How fun that Judd and Silver have matching Panda hats!! :) That's too cute with his chicken hat - I would be scared!! You have a great blog with the pictures and your captions!!
