Judd just turned three! It's hard to believe.
I've heard it said, that all you have to do is bring
home a new baby and suddenly your toddler, who seemed
so small, grows up overnight. I'm afraid it's true...
He loves "scoops" and tractors.
Sometimes he gets lucky and his Dad
lets him drive a real one. It's like little
Judd Heaven.
He loves to be outside and be involved
in everything.
My yard wouldn't be the same without him-
good or bad...
I'm pretty sure my lawn will never get
a chance to grow back in this spot.
Some honeysuckle vines were lucky enough
to get watered by his water cannon,
but the really lucky ones got to have this statue of Jesus
with the little children help water them. :)
I don't think Foxy thought it was nearly as cool as Judd did
that he could get the little bear to stay in her thick coat.
They say when you look back you will miss
these days. I really try hard to appreciate the
moment- but sometimes I have to give it a few days to
truly appreciate some of the things he comes up with.
Such as: Toilet paper race tracks.
(FYI- if you use my bathroom
there might not be any toilet paper in there...)
His fascination with eggs??
"I be so careful, Mom"
First it was just one or two that he carried
around in his pocket but we have since moved on
to egg trains and such. So far, we have had only
one casualty so I count myself lucky.
Also, his ketchup phase.
"What would you like for breakfast, Judd?" I would ask.
He would pack it around the yard and I even
caught him licking a pile off of the picnic table.
I promise I do try to feed him.
Speaking of food- Judd is very picky.
I'm pretty sure it's my fault but I don't know
how to fix it. We are in a yogurt, corn dog, and chicken nugget
phase with a few random things that strike his fancy such as
cheese slices. I did break out the big guns on his birthday and
introduced him to Spaghetti O's and that was a big hit.
Needless to say, I started giving him a daily multi vitamin.
He likes anything to do with guns and hunting.
He likes to tiptoe and sneak up on wolves and dinosaurs.
Apparently, we also need more bushes (or weeds in this case)
in our yard to hide behind.
He is a super cool ninja or something
with his toy saw tucked in to the
back of his shirt..
(I have no idea where he gets half of the
stuff he comes up with.. Mulan maybe?)
We finally kicked the binky habit. I don't
know if it was me or Judd that didn't want
to give it up. He always had to have two
binkies and he would have one in his mouth
and turn the other one upside down and put
it on the tip of his nose. Weird but cute.
We have been working really hard on getting
potty trained. Much to my dismay, this
picture shows what Judd thinks about that.
Our success rate for the day totally depends
on how bad he wants a marshmallow.
Usually he finds a way to get into the cupboards
and find treats on his own. Today
I caught him throwing a stuffed animal at the
candy on the high shelf. And every time he
would miss he would say, "just keep trying..."
I guess he is listening after all, just maybe not the
application I had in mind.
Judd is experiencing a lot of firsts.
He had his first major injury. He found
my razor and quickly learned that it's not a toy..
He also went to his first movie at the theatre. We
watched Monster's University from the door for a
while. He didn't want to walk into a strange, dark
room very badly.
Judd reminds me of myself in a lot of ways.
Trying so hard to be brave but some things
are just scary.
This summer we also raised some tadpoles
(only one made it to froghood...)
when it was time to let him go, Judd
wasn't sure if that was really what he wanted to do.
Finally, he picked the little frog some leaves and
told him to go find his family...

So proud of the feather he found out in the yard.
I'm not sure if arming him with a
croquet mallet is a good idea.
"Look Mom, I'm a fisherman cowboy!"
Happy Birthday, my sweet Judd boy.
Just so you know: it doesn't matter how
old you get- you will always be my baby.